Where to go I do not know
Looking for answers why
I do not know
You are no longer listening

You are no longer interested
You are no longer happy
Your are no longer happy
when i give you a i saw
(intestine of a chicken, idk)
Everyone has changed
We all have changed
Your view has changed
Your smile, the one you're feeling
I just want to Embrace me
Although not true
I will understand you
If you are, you'll be happy
Do not worry I'm Okay
Oy thank you

In those moments we are happy
I'm getting a little bit too short
Even though I'm a dancer
It's all too late It's all too late for us
Your eyes are dimmed
Your smile, the one you're feeling
I'm just asking for it Embrace me
Although not true I understand you
I know that you are, and you're happy
Do not worry I'm Okay Do not worry
I'm Okay Be alone I'm
Okay Just as you are happy I'm
Okay I'm just here You're all gone

We all have disappeared
Your eyes have disappeared
Your smile, the one you're feeling
My request again will be granted
Embrace me Although not true
I understand you If you are really pious,
if you are happier than others
Do not think of me yet
I'm ready to forget you I'm
Okay I'm Okay
Woahhh I'm just here I'm really ok.

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